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Convolution Neural Nets and Multi-Class Image Classification

Convolution Neural Nets and Multi-Class Image Classification

In 2015 the idea of creating a computer system that could recognise birds was considered so outrageously challenging that it was the basis of this XKCD joke .

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Lasso Regression and Hyperparameter tuning using sklearn

Lasso Regression and Hyperparameter tuning using sklearn

Deeplearning models require high-end GPUs to be trained in a reasonable amount of time with big data, both financially and computationally.

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Heart Disease Detection using fastai and sklearn

Heart Disease Detection using fastai and sklearn

Since I began my master’s programme in artificial intelligence, I’ve been looking for a framework that will help me use my software development skills a lot more, design systems that are ready for production, and wrap some of the repetitive, everyday ML code around a framework that just works.

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Creating RESTful services with Go — Part 2

Creating RESTful services with Go — Part 2

In this blog, we are going to be building a fully-fledged REST API that exposes GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT endpoints that will subsequently allow you to perform the full range of CRUD operations.

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Creating Microservices With Go — Part 1

Creating Microservices With Go — Part 1

Coming from a JavaScript background, I have always wanted to learn a static-typed programming language, earlier this year I picked up Golang after reading the reviews about the language, Golang is backed by Google.

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