Why I Took the Leap from Medium to Create My Personal Blogging Website

Why I Took the Leap from Medium to Create My Personal Blogging Website

Blogging has become an increasingly popular platform for individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and expertise with the world. With the rise of platforms like Medium, it has never been easier to start a blog and reach a wide audience. I, too, started my blogging journey on Medium and enjoyed the benefits it offered. However, after careful consideration, I decided to take the leap and create my own personal blogging website . It’s called Stochastic Bard which is a play of the technique Stochastic Gradient Decent and Bard is traditionally associated with a person writing poems and reciting epics. In this blog post, I will explain why I made this decision and how it has positively impacted my blogging experience.

Full control over my content

One of the primary reasons I decided to create my personal blogging website was to have complete control over my content. While Medium is an excellent platform with a built-in audience, I realized that I was essentially renting space on their platform. The terms and conditions of Medium could change at any time, and they could even decide to shut down the platform altogether. By creating my own website, I have ownership and control over my content, and I can decide how it is presented, organized, and monetized.

Establishing a personal brand

Building a personal brand is crucial in today’s digital age. By creating my own blogging website, I am able to establish a strong personal brand that aligns with my values, interests, and expertise. I can design the website to reflect my unique style and voice, creating a cohesive and memorable experience for my readers. Additionally, having my own website allows me to include a professional bio, portfolio, and contact information, making it easier for potential clients or collaborators to find and connect with me.

Monetization opportunities

While Medium offers a Partner Program that allows writers to earn money based on engagement and membership fees, creating my own blogging website opens up additional monetization opportunities. I have the freedom to choose the best strategies for monetizing my content, whether it’s through ads, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or selling my own products or services. I can experiment with different revenue streams and tailor them to my specific goals and target audience.

Flexibility and customization

With Stochastic Bard , I have the flexibility to customize every aspect of the user experience. I can choose from a wide range of website templates and design themes, ensuring that my blog reflects my personal style and branding. I have control over the layout, navigation, and features, allowing me to create a user-friendly and visually appealing website. I can also integrate additional tools and plugins to enhance functionality and engage with my readers more effectively

Building a loyal community

While Medium provides access to a large and diverse audience, building a loyal community of readers is often more challenging on a platform that hosts countless articles and authors. By creating my own blogging website, I can focus on nurturing a dedicated community of readers who resonate with my content and share similar interests. I can interact with them through comments, social media integration, and email newsletters, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

Wrapping Up

While I plan to continue using Medium for the foreseeable future due to its merits as a platform with diverse audiences, I strongly encourage fellow authors to prioritize establishing a brand that they have complete control over. Although building and managing a personal website may require additional effort, the benefits of ownership, branding, and flexibility make it a worthwhile pursuit for anyone serious about blogging. Feel free to reach out to me if you need assistance in setting up your own blogging website (https://stochasticbard.com/contact ). I can provide guidance on identifying the right resources to embark on this endeavor :)

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